Family, Mommy, Work-Life Balance

How I got more organized-It wasn’t overnight by any means

How I overcame disorder and got more organized

Hey sugar plums, I hope all is well and I know that it’s a busy time of year for most of us because the Christmas holiday is quickly approaching. I am happy to say that I am handling business a lot earlier than I did in previous years. Phew! Can I tell you that I use to run around and run in circles trying to get everything done BY MYSELF, and I ended up not enjoying the Holiday season because I was too behind in my plans. Although my family was happy and enjoyed themselves, I was too focused on what I should have done or what I should have cooked or what I should have put finishing touches on.

Well, this year is much much different. For starters, I am pregnant with twin boys and I am due at the end of January, so needless to say I am not a fan of exhausting my body or mind right now. I already made my lists and started ordering online so that all of my presents will be delivered. I may go out to a few stores to pick-up other gifts but I am not stressing myself out about it.

I got more organized by…

As I mentioned before, I started making lists of the things that I needed; whether it was a Christmas list, a grocery list, a “things to do” list, or whatever it may be, lists help you stay focused and get the necessary tasks completed. Based on your lists, you can place orders for the products or services that you need while freeing up vital time that you can use to get other things done. I would suggest using various online retailers and delivery apps on your phone.

I have a family of all men, and we operate best with schedules that have Free Time built into them. I keep my family organized by being flexible because they are boys who need to exert more energy so they don’t go bonkers. In the past, I tried to make them conform to “MY” way of living and it didn’t work at all because their needs were different. I spent so much time getting frustrated because the boys weren’t listening or they were playing too much, but I wasn’t humbling myself to understand their points of view. Once I humbled myself and stopped being a controlling tyrant, I was able to solve the problem. Now, we are coasting and executing the routine. My boys know their routine so well that I am sure that will be able to make the necessary adjustments to help out with the transition. [My experience and parenting modification inspired this book>>> Parenthood: God! I hope I’m doing this right.]

Lastly, I got more organized by accepting the fact that I may not get done everything on my list of things to do. If you don’t know me, I am an extremely ambitious person who sets large goals and aggressive timelines, so it was really hard for me to understand that I wouldn’t get everything done in one day. I used to feel like a failure or slacker if I did not complete my laundry list of “to-dos”, but thanks to sound advice and encouragement from my husband I became more content.

The best thing I learned about being organized is the built-in “Me Time” that moms and wives often overlook or ignore because we deal with the issues of our household and often put ourselves last. Well, I remember Iyanla Vanzant saying something so profound; she said that women need to give to themselves first so we can be full and then allow everyone else to glean from the overflow of what we produce because no one can pour from an empty cup. #BOOM IF that doesn’t put things in perspective then I don’t know what will.

I hope this helps you to get more organized and maximize your “Me Time”!.

Hugs and Kisses,


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